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6 posts tagged with:


from ARCHIVES - in category Harmless Untruths

It’s all about the healing

So on Saturday night my band, Sutures , played its first show. My bandmate set up a gig at a musical establishment I have been avoiding for the past dozen years in DC, the Grog and Tankard in Glover Park. The Grog doesn’t have the most sterling reputation, and is definitely not hip or trendy. But I didn’t avoid it (just) because it is relatively uncool — I never went there because it is out of the way and no bands ever played there that I have ever heard of. So I was slightly leery of performing…

from ARCHIVES - in category Harmless Untruths


The other day at practice, my bandmate Rob started playing an old song that we hadn’t played in ages, and I had it stuck in my head for hours afterward. He and I actually had recorded a demo of it a while back, like a year ago, and I was always pleased by how it came out. It is his song, and I just played some noodling acoustic guitar over top of his part, something I pretty much made up on the spot. It was called “Pyramid” but I am not even sure if there are any lyrics or anything. I suppose I …

from ARCHIVES - in category Harmless Untruths

Pretend These Are Records

Over the past year or so, I’ve heard from a couple friends or family members that my old music popped up on their iPods or in their iTunes. In the back of my mind, I have been intending to redistribute all my old recordings in a more updated format so that anybody else can have their very own copies in their very own mp3-playing devices. And then yesterday I happened to listen to my last “album” for the first time in ages, and I was amazed at how much I liked it. So yeah, I am kinda proud of the…

from ARCHIVES - in category Harmless Untruths

I always wanted to…

In my effort to become a rock star, I realize I need to practice my original stuff, work on my moves, practice pointing at the crowd, etc. I mean, I guess I’ll start with baby steps (like not staring at my hands while playing) and slowly work my way up to Carrie Brownstein/Pete Townshend windmills. I’ve also been contemplating trying to do some videos. Crazy, but intriguing. But I don’t know anything about editing video, though, so here is my first-ever rock video. It’s a little dark, I guess. A…

from ARCHIVES - in category Harmless Untruths

Left Behind

Here’s one more thing to post. This is a song that’s been around a while, but it sort of evolved through working with my bandmate Rob. This is one of the poppiest songs we’ve put together, which I will take all the blame for. Here is a four-track demo of it, done in Keith’s kitchen with practice amps and electronic drums. I tacked on the vocals at home. Since we don’t have a myspace page yet (or even a settled band name), I’m gonna post this here. “Left Behind” by unnamed project (Teeth Like Tom…

from ARCHIVES - in category Harmless Untruths

Fully Operational

Much like the second Death Star, this website looks rough but is, in fact, fully operational . However, big chunks of it are missing, and it is highly vulnerable to attack, foolishly storing its shield generator on a nearby forest moon. The last post is from something like six months ago, so you know this is not a priority. Yesterday I did some recording with my pseudo-band, and today, as I skipped work to do some writing for school, I felt that a smart thing to do would be to record some more. …