ARCHIVE of District of Cacophony

September 18, 2007 | UNCATEGORIZED


Hey this blog is still alive I am just busy. I have some notes and some links for shows of the summer (July, August) and haven’t seen any bands in a few weeks. Lots of good music coming up though.

So I am a little in shock as I saw that pitchfork today talked about a one-night-only Shudder to Think reunion show! Amazing! This is the kind of band that I would go to see a reunion show for, because they were such a strange and unique group, and they never performed live much at all after I got into them, and before you knew it, they didn’t really exist anymore. Not sure I could have realistically gone to New York for a Shudder reunion but I am glad those guys are at least on good terms.

Of course I quickly checked youtube for any videos from the performance, and there didn’t seem to be any, but there were some AMAZING Shudder live videos that weren’t up last time I searched for any. I am in awe of youtube member thedesiresymposium and wish I had time to watch all of his/her videos right now (there are lots more late-’80s/early-’90s DC bands).

Check out this radness:

Shudder to Think : Red House / Summertime Train (9:30 Club, 1990):

Speak & Lies About the Sky (9:30 Club, 1992):

Pebbles (Toronto, 1993):

Craig Wedren is playing at the Rock and Roll Hotel on Oct. 13, a Saturday night. I will get back to town from a vacation the night before so I will try to make it. I have looked into his solo stuff before and it seemed decent; also I think he might play some Shudder to Think songs in his solo performances. One of MANY excellent shows coming up this fall.

Stay tuned.